BUILDING & DEVELOPMENTBuilding and development in Ponoka County is governed by Land Use By-Law 7-08-LU, reference it to know what you may or may not do on that specific land and what type of permitting you require. Knowing your Land Use District (often referred to as zoning) is crucial for proper interpretation of the land use bylaw. You can find your property zoning on township maps 1 through 50 further details below.
All Provincial Building Code regulations and Alberta New Home Warranty are applicable to building in Ponoka County. A company called Superior Safety Codes carries out the administration and safety code officer inspections and requirements for the province on behalf of Ponoka County. Before starting a project of any kind on your property, you must apply for a Ponoka County Development Permit. Upon receipt of your conditionally approved Development Permit you must apply for all subsequent relevant building permits from Superior Safety Codes Inc. (Red Deer). Superior Safety conducts inspections throughout the construction process; they work closely with Ponoka County to ensure developments meet provincial building codes and regulations. GET INFORMED:
Restrictive Covenants Do you have a Restrictive Covenant registered on your land title? If yes, you are legally obligated to follow it. It often has requirements above and beyond the County Land Use Bylaw. Building Committee Does your subdivision have a Building Committee or Home Owners Association in place? If yes, you must obtain approval through their processes PRIOR to applying for your County Development Permit Application. Building Committee approval is always a condition of a Ponoka County Development Permit. Provincial and Federal Requirements Provincial or Federal licensing and/or further types of permitting may be required in addition to a Ponoka County Development Permit.
SUBDIVISION & DEVELOPMENT REPORTSView more details regarding provincial permitting requirements are on the Superior Safety Code website, or contact the office at 403.358.5545
APPEAL HEARINGSSubdivision Development Appeal Board (SDAB) Hearing agendas including date/location/times are posted on the home page. |