Travel on County RoadsGeneral Rules for Travel on County Roads
Loading/Weight Restrictions Detail for load and weight restrictions for vehicles on roadways within the County is included in the by-law below. This by-law applies to all industry (oilfield, agricultural, construction, etc.) Ponoka County works with industry to foster our local economy, while at the same time monitoring and protecting our roadways. Road Use Permit
If you are a heavy or frequent user (3 or more legal loads per day), you require a permit. Permits are free and can be obtained on our website, the Ponoka County App or by phone 403.783.3375. The online and app service is monitored after hours. |
May 21, 2024 |
Residential and Private Driveways
During our winter months impending snowfall can cause private roadway/driveway challenges. County Council determined (2008) that as a priority the County must clear public roadways so basic services can be maintained; including school busing, propane delivery, emergency service(s) access, etc. Therefore our graders no longer provide grading service to residences. If you require snow removal assistance, a partial list of local contractors is provided:
SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACTOR LIST Technical Specs for Approaches & RoadsLooking to construct an approach? Check the specs below before you start.
If you need to build a portion of the County road, you will need to follow these specs:
Road construction specs |
Driveway Grading
During the summer months graders continue to grade driveways, when timing permits. The service can be arranged by contacting the County Office. Minimum charge is $60, which covers 15 minutes. Any additional time is charged out at $4.00/minute. A waiver must be signed prior to the grader entering your property. DUST CONTROL PROGRAM 2024
APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. County Residents interested in calcium chloride dust control adjacent to their property may stop into the office to complete paperwork, arrange payment and pick up placeholder stakes. A minimum purchase of 400 feet is required for application. For further information phone 403.783.3333 or email.
Only one application will occur this year. You must have your request & payment in by May 17 in order to get dust control in 2024. |